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All I Want for Christmas is Porcelain Veneers | NYC

December 13th, 2017 | 2 min read

By NYC Smile Design

If you already have your two front teeth, what could your smile possibly hope for during the holiday season – assuming, of course, your smile could hope? How about perfection?

Maybe your two front teeth are crooked. Maybe there are spaces between them. Perhaps other teeth in your mouth are functionally limited and aesthetically displeasing due to crooked presentation, uneven shapes and sizes, severe staining, or chipped or cracked enamel. All of these issues can be addressed with porcelain veneers – and at NYC Smile Design, we offer the strongest, most natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing veneers available today.

Manhattan cosmetic dentists Dr. Elisa Mello and Dr. Ramin Tabib take great pride in perfecting smiles with porcelain veneers. With careful planning and strict attention to detail, Drs. Mello and Tabib can produce a straight, bright, and flawless appearance that will please and delight for years to come.

If you are unhappy with your smile, give us a call at 212-452-3344 to schedule a consultation and learn how we can give your smile the gift of beauty.

Porcelain Veneers | NYC Cosmetic Dentistry

Is Caring for Porcelain Veneers Difficult?

Unless you’re a dedicated hobbyist or you’ve been gifted with an animal (that you wanted), you probably aren’t interested in a gift that requires a lot of work. How fortunate, then, that porcelain veneers are just as easy to care for as your natural teeth. With very few exceptions, you probably won’t need to modify your daily routine at all.

Taking care of porcelain veneers is no different than taking care of your natural teeth. You will want to floss at least once, but preferably twice a day. You will want to brush with a nonabrasive toothpaste and soft-bristled toothbrush after every meal. And you will want to maintain your biannual visits to our Manhattan office for professional cleanings and routine examinations. It is during these visits that we can evaluate your veneers while checking gums and remaining teeth for signs of disease, decay, or infection. These visits are essential for optimal oral health and beauty, regardless of the types of restorations you have.

If it has been longer than six months since your last exam, give us a call to schedule one today. We will make every effort to get you in as soon as possible.

Porcelain veneers are incredibly strong – able to produce the same bite force as natural tooth enamel. Veneers are also stain-resistant and can even maintain their bright appearance – with proper care – for 10 or more years.

Proper care is key for preserving the strength and appearance of porcelain veneers. What good news that caring for veneers is so incredibly easy. During your next visit, we can talk about this in more detail and discuss how veneers could be used to give your smile all it wants: to be strong, healthy, and attractive.

If you live in New York City or surrounding areas, including New Jersey and Connecticut, and are interested in learning more about porcelain veneers, please call NYC Smile Design at 212-452-3344 to schedule your consultation with one of our experienced cosmetic dentists today.