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BOTOXⓇ Cosmetic and Bruxism | Treating Tooth Grinding in NYC

July 20th, 2018 | 2 min read

By NYC Smile Design

Bruxism Treatment in Manhattan​Bruxism is the medical term for tooth grinding. Its causes are not always known, but stress, anxiety, and neuromuscular conditions such as TMJ are all considered factors. Certainly, clenching the teeth due to anxiety or stress does not help the problem, even if the underlying cause is physical.

Traditional treatment for bruxism is a nightguard to be worn while sleeping. These orthotic devices, in combination with stress reduction, can have a profound impact on oral health and jaw comfort, making them the standard for teeth grinding treatment. They may not provide immediate or lasting relief from pain, however, and they may be irritating to some patients as well, making both supplemental and alternative treatments necessary.

BOTOX® Cosmetic for Bruxism

At NYC Smile Design, we are pleased to offer BOTOX® Cosmetic for the treatment of TMJ and bruxism. While a newer treatment method, this option has shown remarkable promise. In fact, a study conducted at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston found that 50% of participants who received the medication as opposed to a placebo were “much improved” or “very much improved” by the end of the study. What’s more, study participants who were given BOTOX® Cosmetic injections reported a significant improvement in pain. The placebo group saw no improvement in either symptoms or discomfort.

These results are consistent with those obtained by Dr. Mello and Dr. Tabib in the treatment of TMJ and bruxism at NYC Smile Design. In a recent interview published in US Magazine, NYC Smile Design patient, JWoww (Jenni Farley), talks about her experiences with “mommy problems,” like a “really hard clenched jaw,” and the toll this behavior has had on her oral health. The article goes on to discuss how a combination of BOTOXⓇ Cosmetic injections and restorative dentistry services are currently being used to correct her bite, eliminate discomfort, prevent additional tooth grinding, and produce an attractive and healthy smile.

Quoted in the article, Dr. Elisa Mello states, “[M]any of our patients who get Botox have had the underlying issues unaddressed for so long that they grind their teeth way down and lose all support for their facial muscles. These patients wind up needing restorative reconstruction. There are just as many other patients who benefit from orthodontic treatment to correct their changed bite or simply a treatment of Botox over about a year and a custom night guard.”

The best way to learn which method is right for you is by calling our Manhattan office and scheduling a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Mello or Dr. Tabib.

Is BOTOXⓇ Cosmetic Safe?

Bruxism Treatment | BOTOX | NYC Smile DesignBOTOXⓇ Cosmetic has been used for both medical and cosmetic purposes for decades. An effective muscle relaxant, BOTOXⓇ Cosmetic has a remarkable safety record. In fact, according to a comprehensive study published in the JAMA Dermatology, “[A]dverse events occur in less than 1% of patients, and most of these are minor and transient.” To put it into numbers, during the course of the above linked study, BOTOX® Cosmetic caused lumpiness, redness or swelling in 1 out of every 3,333 patients treated.

Safe, effective, and potentially life-changing, BOTOXⓇ Cosmetic is a wonderful option for many of our patients struggling with bruxism. To learn if it would be a good fit for your needs, give us a call at 212-452-3344 and schedule a consultation today. Located in Manhattan, NYC Smile Design welcomes patients from all areas of New York.