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Cosmetic Dentist NYC | Recovering From Dental Surgery

September 26th, 2012 | 1 min read

By NYC Smile Design

While Anesthetics have come a long way in assuring that patients can receive the best, comfortable care during their dental procedures, there are patients who have phobias about the numbness they experience afterward. Some of these fears are well-founded as postoperative numbness from the anesthesia can disrupt one’s day. When your tongue, jaw, and lips are numb, smiling, talking, drinking, and eating become difficult tasks.

Let’s face it; there is nothing exciting about walking out of the dentist’s office with half of your face numb. Even less attractive is walking into your office or place of work and looking foolish because you can’t talk clearly.

OraVerse, approved by the FDA in 2008, is a new revolutionary product that reverses local anesthetics during dental work. Patients who have used it have positive feedback. OraVerse increases the blood flow of the soft tissue on the lips, and tongue, reducing the amount of time that it takes for the numbness to wear off.  It is estimated that on average, numbness from the anesthesia can last between 3-5 hours. In some cases, these effects can last up to ten hours. In this day and age, patients do not have three hours at their disposal, not to mention ten hours. OraVerse cuts this time in half, and in most cases, the numbness only lasts for about an hour.

OraVerse is a great product. The use of the product promises a smoother transition from the patient’s dental visit back to their daily routines. Furthermore, the product helps patients avoid the accidental biting of lips and tongue that is caused by prolonged numbness, especially in children.

As doctors, our goal is to bring great satisfaction to patients during and after their visit. OraVerse is just one way to achieve that.