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Does Orthodontic Treatment Take Longer As An Adult?

August 14th, 2024 | 5 min read

By NYC Smile Design

Orthodontics treatment as adult

Adults face distinct challenges and often have specific questions about the duration and nature of their orthodontic journey compared to younger patients.

At NYC Smile Design, we recognize that deciding to undergo orthodontic treatment as an adult is a significant step not just towards achieving the smile of your dreams, but also towards enhancing your overall dental health. 

 In this blog, we'll explore why orthodontic treatments can sometimes take longer for adults and provide you with expert insights and guidance from our experienced team. Whether you're considering starting your orthodontic treatment or are already on your path, we're here to support you every step of the way, ensuring you feel informed, confident and cared for throughout your transformation.

Understanding Orthodontic Treatment 

Orthodontic treatment encompasses a range of procedures designed to correct dental misalignments and malocclusions—conditions where the teeth do not fit together properly. Common methods include traditional braces, which use metal brackets and wires to gradually move teeth into the desired position, and Invisalign, a modern alternative that uses a series of clear, removable aligners tailored to fit the patient’s mouth. While these treatments are effective for patients of all ages, the approach and timeline can vary significantly between adults and younger patients.


Adult using invisalign

Factors Influencing Treatment Duration

Bone Density

The bones in children's jaws are still growing and developing, which makes them less dense and more malleable. This allows orthodontic appliances, like braces or aligners, to move teeth more quickly and with less resistance. The bone remodeling process, which involves the breakdown and formation of bone, occurs more rapidly in children, facilitating faster tooth movement.

In adults, the bones are fully developed and denser. The higher bone density creates more resistance to the forces applied by orthodontic appliances, slowing down the process of tooth movement. Additionally, bone remodeling in adults is slower, which means it takes more time for teeth to settle into their new positions.

Growth Factors

Dentists can take advantage of the natural growth spurts in children and adolescents to guide the development of the jaw and teeth. Functional appliances can be used to influence jaw growth, correct bite issues, and ensure proper alignment. This growth-assisted treatment can significantly reduce the overall treatment time.

Since adults have completed their growth, orthodontic treatment must work with the existing jaw structure. Any significant changes to jaw alignment often require surgical intervention, which adds complexity and duration to the treatment.

Tissue Response

The periodontal ligaments and surrounding soft tissues in children are more elastic and responsive to orthodontic forces. This increased adaptability allows for more efficient tooth movement. Children also typically have healthier gums and fewer issues with gum recession or bone loss, which can complicate treatment in adults.

In adults, the periodontal ligaments and tissues are less responsive to orthodontic forces. The decreased tissue elasticity means that teeth move more slowly. Adults are also more likely to have issues such as gum disease, bone loss, or previous dental work, which can interfere with and prolong orthodontic treatment.

Complexity of Issues

Orthodontic issues in children are often identified and addressed early, resulting in simpler treatment plans. Early intervention can prevent more severe problems from developing and can take advantage of the child's growth to achieve optimal results efficiently.

Adults often present with more complex dental issues. These can include long-standing misalignments, wear and tear on teeth, missing teeth, or previous dental work like crowns, bridges, or implants. These factors can complicate the treatment plan, requiring more comprehensive and time-consuming approaches. Additionally, adult patients may have developed habits such as teeth grinding or clenching, which can further impact the treatment process.

Overall, the combination of higher bone density, lack of growth potential, decreased tissue responsiveness, and the complexity of dental issues typically means that orthodontic treatment in adults takes longer than in children.

Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment for Adults

Orthodontic treatment provides numerous benefits for adults, extending far beyond the cosmetic improvements many seek. Understanding these advantages can help adults appreciate the value of investing in such treatments.

Improved Dental Health

Orthodontic treatment does more than just straighten teeth; it significantly enhances overall dental health. Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the likelihood of plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum disease. Additionally, correcting misaligned teeth can prevent issues related to an improper bite, such as uneven wear on teeth, jaw pain, and TMJ disorders. These health benefits contribute to a more functional mouth and a lower risk of future dental problems.

Aesthetic Improvements

For many adults, the aesthetic benefits of orthodontics are equally important. Straight, well-aligned teeth are universally recognized as markers of health and vitality, which can greatly enhance a person’s self-esteem and confidence. The psychological and social benefits of a more attractive smile are profound, often leading to improved personal and professional interactions.

Managing Orthodontic  Expectations

Adults considering orthodontic treatment need to have a clear understanding of what can realistically be achieved. Unlike children and teenagers, whose still-developing tissues respond more quickly to orthodontic treatment, adults must account for slower physiological responses. However, the important takeaway is that, while it may take a little longer to achieve your straightened smile, it can be effectively accomplished in a reasonable amount of time.

It's essential for adults to discuss their goals with their dentist who can set realistic timelines and outcomes based on their specific dental conditions and overall oral health. This mutual understanding helps prevent potential disappointment and ensures that both patient and practitioner are aligned in their expectations.

The success of orthodontic treatment heavily depends on the patient's commitment to follow the dentist’s instructions. This includes maintaining excellent oral hygiene, attending scheduled appointments, and wearing orthodontic appliances as directed, such as retainers or aligners. 

For adults, whose schedules may be more complicated due to professional and personal responsibilities, adhering to these guidelines is crucial. Modern technology allows for the monitoring of your care virtually which can help with these adult-specific complications. Non-compliance can lead to extended treatment times, increased costs, and suboptimal results. Therefore, understanding the importance of these commitments and integrating them into daily routines is fundamental for achieving the best possible outcomes from orthodontic treatment.

managing orthodontic treatment

Your Orthodontic Journey with Dental Monitoring

At NYC Smile Design, we understand the busy schedules and unique needs of our adult patients. That's why we leverage advanced dental monitoring technology to enhance the efficiency and convenience of your orthodontic treatment. Dental monitoring is a cutting-edge tool that allows us to keep track of your alignment process remotely, using just the camera on your smartphone.

How Dental Monitoring Works 

This innovative system involves you taking regular scans of your teeth using a special app on your phone. These images are then automatically sent to our team. By analyzing these scans, we can monitor your progress, make precise adjustments to your treatment plan in real time, and provide timely feedback without the need for you to visit our office as frequently.

Benefits for Adults:

  • Convenience: Fits seamlessly into your daily routine, reducing the need for frequent office visits. You can provide updates to us from anywhere, whether you're at home, at work, or traveling.
  • Efficiency: Accelerates communication and allows for quicker adjustments to your treatment plan, potentially shortening the overall duration of your orthodontic treatment.
  • Empowerment: Gives you a more active role in your treatment process, enhancing your engagement and understanding of the progress.

By integrating dental monitoring into your orthodontic care, we not only streamline the process but also tailor it to fit your adult lifestyle, making it more adaptable and responsive to your needs. 

Your Smile Journey

Understanding the factors that influence the duration of orthodontic treatment helps in setting realistic expectations and preparing for what lies ahead. While treatment might take longer for adults, the enduring benefits of a healthier, more attractive smile are well worth the investment of time.

If you are contemplating orthodontic treatment, or if you're already on your treatment journey, discuss your unique situation with your orthodontist. Scheduling regular consultations can help tailor your treatment plan and optimize results according to your specific dental needs.

If you're considering Invisalign treatment and want expert advice tailored to your needs, consider scheduling a consultation with NYC Smile Design to explore your options and develop a personalized treatment plan.

