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Is Sedation Dentistry Safe | NYC Sedation Dentist | Manhattan Twilight Dentistry

May 10th, 2017 | 1 min read

By NYC Smile Design

breathing mask

Sedation dentistry, sometimes called sleep dentistry or twilight dentistry, is one of the most effective ways for people struggling with dental phobia to achieve optimal relaxation prior to and during any oral health or beauty treatment. Manhattan sedation dentists Dr. Elisa Mello and Dr. Ramin Tabib offer both nitrous oxide sedation and oral sedation, enabling them to meet the exact needs of each individual patient. If you believe you could benefit from gentle sedation prior to your treatment, we would be happy to discuss these options with you in greater detail during your next appointment.

The types of sedation offered by our dentists have been proven safe and effective for most patients. The best way to learn if sedation dentistry will be suitable for you is through a one-on-one consultation at our Manhattan office. During this visit we can evaluate your medical history, discuss the types of sedation we offer, and help you determine if you could benefit from this service.

To learn about safe and effective sedation dentistry options in NYC, call 212-452-3344 and schedule a consultation with our Manhattan sedation dentists today.

What is Sedation Dentistry Good for?

Sedation dentistry is good for easing the anxiety of men and women who struggle with dental phobia. Even mild cases of dental phobia can prevent people from seeking needed preventive dentistry services. With sedation, fears are allayed, allowing for optimal oral health and beauty without the emotional discomfort that can accompany dental care for some individuals. But you needn’t suffer from dental phobia to benefit from sedation services.

Sedation dentistry is ideal for people who:

  • Struggle with dental anxiety or phobia
  • Have highly sensitive teeth
  • Do not respond well to numbing agents
  • Have an overactive gag-reflex
  • Suffer from TMJ
  • Need a longer and more involved procedure

Sedation can also assist patients with RLS, general anxiety, and a host of other issues achieve comfort and calm.

If you live in or around Manhattan, New York and are interested in learning more about your sedation dentistry options, please contact NYC Smile Designs today.  Our dentists welcome an opportunity to meet with you, listen to your concerns, and help you determine if sedation is the right choice for your needs.