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NYC Smile Design - BLOG - Poison in Your Water Might be Killing You Slowly

September 20th, 2011 | 1 min read

By NYC Smile Design

A person holding a glass of water

You’ve read about it more than once — fluoride is not safe for you. Fluoride, a common element added to your water supplies and many dental products like your toothpaste, causes more harm than good when ingested. Now, studies show that fluoride not only fails to prevent tooth decay, but it can also cause cancer, too.

Several previous studies have been published on the plausibility of fluoride causing cancer, and added to these is the recent submission by the California Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment. This study shows that fluoride increases the risk of bone cancer in boys and young men.

Unfortunately,despite these reports, organizations like the ADA (American Dental Association) are still maintaining that fluoride is good for you, even as contrary opinions are recognized.  It seems that some organizations and corporations are much more interested in protecting their interests, rather than those of the people whose health and lives are jeopardized by the continued inclusion of fluoride in their water.

Dentists who are aware of the dangers of Fluoride in our water supply are morally obligated to raise awareness of this dangerous chemical. If we all do our part, we can influence corporations and our government to eventually ban this substance. It is our duty, as dentists, to make sure that you are given the facts about the products that you are using, so that you are always able to make an informed decision regarding to your health and the products that you buy.

At NYC Smile Design, we are fluoride-free, and we continually support efforts around the country to prevent fluoride from being routinely added to our water supply. The truth is that it is not fluoride that will maintain healthy teeth. Strong, and healthy teeth come from your diet. Avoiding excessive sugar, an overload of carbohydrates and supplementing your diet with Vitamins D would be the beginning steps to assure that your oral health is intact. Let’s not forget about the virtues of Xylitol. But that’s a topic for another blog.