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Teeth Whitening Options | Cosmetic Dentist Manhattan, NY

March 20th, 2017 | 1 min read

By NYC Smile Design

teeth whitening options Zoom! teeth whitening NYC Manhattan cosmetic dentistWhen it comes to the cosmetic care of your teeth, one of the easiest and most rewarding treatments are the teeth whitening procedures we offer at NYC Smile Design. Teeth stain over time, it’s only natural. If you enjoy a warm cup of coffee or tea in the morning, a fine glass of red wine, or even smoke, your teeth begin to lose their luster even quicker.

At our Manhattan office, Dr. Mello and Dr. Tabib want your smile to look its best, that’s why we provide whitening options for your teeth to bring back their shine and restore your confidence. For a quick, highly-effective in-office treatment, or to whiten your teeth over time in the privacy of your home, we have teeth whitening solutions for you. At our office, we offer:

  • Zoom! Laser Teeth Whitening: This safe and effective treatment takes only about an hour in our office and uses a laser to activate whitening gel that is placed on your teeth. Results can be seen right away.
  • Customized take-home kits: We provide take-home teeth whitening kits that we customize to fit your teeth perfectly. With this kit you’ll be able to whiten your teeth at your leisure over a period of a few weeks in your own home.

Our in-office laser treatment can dramatically whiten your smile—as much as nine times brighter than it currently is. These results are long-lasting and we provide you with the means to touch up your teeth as time passes so that your teeth will continue to look their best.

If you want to learn more about the teeth whitening options we offer at NYC Smile Design, contact us today at 212-452-3344 to schedule an appointment. We happily help brighten smiles to those who live in and near Manhattan, and New York, NY.