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NYC Smile Design - BLOG - What's In a Smile? Everything!

October 6th, 2010 | 1 min read

By NYC Smile Design

As smile makeover specialists we are always aware of the difference a smile makeover makes in patients lives. But, even we were impressed with the results of a recent survey. The numbers said it all: only 25% of respondents felt confident enough to smile for the camera; 45% said they would judge people by the look of their smile; a minority (25%) didn’t think that an attractive smile would help people psychologically; and only 35% were unaware that an appealing smile could be a boost to romance.

Whatever your math skills, it seems that a radiant smile is definitely to be desired. But there are many ways to define the makeovers that can create one: Hollywood, for instance, abounds in celebrity smiles – brilliant, pearly-white and perfect, usually with the aid of porcelain veneers. At the other extreme, some patients prefer simply replacing their amalgam (silver-colored) fillings with tooth-colored composite, finished off with teeth whitening. Both represent what we encourage in our patients: a smile that meets their needs and expresses their personality.

Depending on your goals, there are lots of ways to improve your smile: for instance, with the aid of Invisalign braces (so-called because, being made of clear plastic, they are “invisible”).Using a variety of techniques, chipped and/or broken teeth can be mended. Even missing teeth can be replaced with dental implants, bridges, or dentures (you choose). If your original smile includes gaps between your teeth, they can be reduced by employing orthodontics, aligners, or a variety of braces (in front of or in back of the teeth in question). And there’s more: if your smile shows too much gum, surgical or laser gum lift will reduce it and even it out. Teeth can also be whitened, and stains can be treated with deep cleaning or in-office whitening. Again, you choose!

Basically, it is now aesthetically and technically possible to select a treatment, or combine a number of treatments, to get exactly the results you will find most pleasing. At NYC Smile Design, we strongly believe that our patients should be included in all decisions regarding their smile makeover. When they step in our office, patients are involved in every step of the journey to achieving their desired outcome: a radiant, expressive and natural-looking smile. In other words, everything!