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NYC Intrinsic Tooth Staining | Solutions for Discolored Teeth

June 13th, 2016 | 1 min read

By NYC Smile Design

If your teeth are stained or discolored, call NYC cosmetic dentists Dr. Mello and Dr. Tabib at (212) 452-3344 to learn about your treatment optionsTopical stains – such as those caused by foods and beverages – typically respond very well to topical whiteners. Our New York City cosmetic dentists offer both in-office teeth whitening and take-home solutions, enabling you to maintain a bright and attractive appearance year-round. However, when stains are below the enamel, these same tooth whitening services may prove ineffective, necessitating more advanced cosmetic solutions for true smile perfection.

Stains below the enamel of the teeth – including those caused by tetracycline and excessive fluoride – are often unresponsive to topical teeth whiteners. In fact, solutions that work perfectly for surface stains may only serve to enhance the deeper variety as enamel surrounding the discoloration is lightened. During your cosmetic dentistry consultation, we will be able to determine the underlying cause of your tooth staining and suggest the solution best suited to meet your specific needs.

Depending on the cause, location, and extent of staining, Dr. Mello and Dr. Tabib may recommend solutions including:

If severe staining is joined by other esthetic imperfections, a complete smile makeover may best serve your needs. This is something that can be discussed in greater detail during your visit to our Manhattan office.

If you live in or around New York City and are unhappy with the appearance of your smile, please contact NYC Smile Design online or by calling (212) 452-3344 today to schedule your initial consultation with one of our experienced cosmetic dentists.